project financed
Aid and financing from the Igape for business investment projects. Operation financed by Igape.
Brief description of the project:
Expansion of the production capacity of JJ. Chicolino, S.L.
File: IG287.2022.1.49
Igape awards and aids to clustered projects: Industry 4.0 in Galicia.
This company participated in an award-winning project of the program ¨Proyectos Agrupados Industria 4.0¨, whose result is to favor the growth and consolidation of the PEME, improving their financing, technology and access to advanced support services.
Aids of Igape to the digitalization Industry 4.0
This company was the beneficiary of a grant from the IGAPE Industry 4.0 digitalisation programme, the result of which is to promote the digital transformation of the company and favour the growth and consolidation of the PEME, improving its financing, technology and access to advanced support services.
“J.J. Chicolino, S.L., has carried out the design and development of a production line of sustainable compostable packaging with organic material for the food sector, with the support of the Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI) through a Direct Line of Expansion (LIC-a).
This project has been co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) with the aim of promoting technological development, innovation and quality research”.